Mary King Talk - Accounts
Mary King Talk - Accounts

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Below you can find a full breakdown of the income and expenditure for the Mary King talk on the 23rd November 2012
Description Total Income Total Expenses Total
The raffle£153.00  
Raffle expenses (Prizes and tickets) £6.05 
Raffle Total  £146.00
the auction**£500.00  
the auction 50% to Mary 250.00 
the auction Total  £250.00
on-line ticket sales £832.50  
Other ticket sales £147.50  
Complimentary tickets  £78.00 
Refunds (unused tickets) £17.50 
Total ticket sales   £884.50
Eventbrite Fees (for ticket management)  £60.26 
Eventbrite Credit Card Processing £29.19 
Total Eventbrite Fees  £89.45
Totals £1633.00£441.00£1192.00
Paid out via JustGiving to Dorset & Somerset Air Ambulance (RAFFLE)£146.00
Paid out via JustGiving to Dorset & Somerset Air Ambulance (TICKETS)£746.55
Paid out to Mary King (Expenses)£300.00
**The Auction was for a day with Mary either in her stables and home or at a one day event
***All profit goes to Dorset and Somerset Air Ambulance Service
Please feel free to send this out to anyone who may find it interesting

After expenses, all money will be donated to The Dorset and Somerset Air Ambulance Service

Visits to this page 3657 (1 today)
Visits to all pages 3895 (1 today)
Tickets: 79 places available with 121 places sold
Promoter: Simon Thomson, 11 Ballam Close, Upton, Poole, Dorset. BH16 5QU - 07791 597339 email